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  • Writer's pictureNox Yang

RAGBRAI Recreational Bicycling Tour | July 2019

Updated: Sep 14, 2019


"You know about RAGBRAI (Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa), right?

The annual 7-day bicycle ride across the state. It's its 47th year, and it's the oldest, largest, and longest recreational bicycle touring event in the world."


"The participants represent all 50 states, and 30 or 40 countries. There are 20k people that ride everyday. Just for our team, there's 80."

"我们Adaptive Sports Iowa (ASI) 这个组织是服务于残疾运动员,帮他们减少障碍,让他们也能参与到这个骑行盛会中去。


"We ASI (Adaptive Sports Iowa) help reduce the barriers and make RAGBRAI accessible and enjoyable to cyclists with disabilities.

This year, we have 80 riders with 30+ riders with disabilities."


"I usually ride all week, But now I'm pregnant so I'm driving. We are here till the last rider of our team comes, then we will pack and head to the next town."


"Most people tend to ride all week. Many participating organizations are self-sufficient. You have your staff from one place to another, serving your own cyclists. We started 6 o'clock in the morning, so I lost my voice. But it's really fun. I love the whole experience."




"I live in Iowa, but this event attracted people from all over the world.

I don’t ride but my wife and my sister-in-law do -- they love it.

My wife is 60, and my sister-in-law is 58. It's their 5th time attending RAGBRAI. I normally drive the pick-up and follow them. I'm actually looking for them right now."



"We live in tents at night but in case there's rain or mud, we will find a motel to stay over.

Oh, I see them, they are sitting right over there!"


"The turkey leg? You can buy from the vendor right there!"



"We wear this kind of helmets because it's easy to find our friends We are from North Carolina, but we used to live in Iowa. We drove for 2 days to get here just for this event."


"这是我自己建立的慈善捐款组织,专门为有需要的儿童提供食物、衣服。这个组织叫Bell Cos,因为我的名字就是Bella Cosner。”

"I started this organization to provide food and clothing for kids in need. It's call Bell Cos because my name is Bella Cosner."

“其实这个组织几天前才刚成立。我建立Bell Cos是因为我自己的一些经历。我的生母以前经常虐待我弟弟和我,所以我就想帮助其他被虐待的儿童,给他们提供食物、衣服。"

"Actually, it only started a couple of days ago. The reason I started it is because of my own experience. My birth mother physically abused my brother and partially me. It made me want to help other kids that may be abused, providing them with food and clothing."



"There are 3 churches in town. They are all very active and doing something for this event. They sell home-made food because it's a great opportunity to raise money for the church."


Can you see the house with a tower over there? That's our church. The vendors are selling great food. Be sure to walk over and try it out!"



"I started doing RAGBRAI 35 years ago. Yes, you heard it right, this event is only 47 years old. The experience is different every year. RAGBRAI changes the location, and the weather is also different each year."


"Yesterday was the first day. It was slow because of the rain. I had a hard time seeing and had to be careful when riding. But even in situations like that, the ride goes on. Some would take a break but many other would go on riding."


"This kind of clothes with pockets on the back is specially designed for riders."


"We are an organization for riders. Some members come from Seattle, and some from Chicago. We have a bus for our bike team. We have showers on a trailer and places to rest. Everybody is having a good time."



"We came with friends and we passed many host towns together. They are very welcoming and super nice. They want raise money by selling food and providing other services."


"All the towns are trying to do something different, they have different themes, because they all want to outdo the last town. Some towns have great ice creams, some have great pies."


"There's music at the end of it. Yesterday in Atlantic, they had a big band and party. I LOVE the vibe there."


"As for the accommodation, there will be families hosting us, letting us camp in their backyard, use their shower and bathroom. We have a process through RAGBRAI. We tell them that we need a place for 5 tents, and they will make the arrangements and give us the address.


"The host family we had last night was super sweet. We had a wonderful experience there."


"This kind of shoes is special for riding, makes it easier to use the pedals."



"We are from Iowa City. We used to have our shop in the main street but not anymore. Now we only focus on catering to events like this. It's our 26 years doing this.


"Every night in the meetup town there is a party. We feed the party."


"我们是从弗罗里达州过来的。我几年前就退休了,听说了这个活动后就参与进来了。我们是个慈善骑行组织,收养很多亚洲的孩子。接下来会组织一个去KeyWest 的慈善骑行活动,中间会有捐款环节。"

"We are from Florida. I retired a couple of years ago, and got involved in this event when I heard about it. We are a charity organization for riders, and we have adopted many kids from Asia. We will organize a riding event in Key West for charity. There will be donations during the process."



"In overnight towns, everybody gather after shower and setting up tents. All the vendors will be at the finish, and there will be lots and lots of entertainment."


"The thing about small towns having so many people is that cell phones don’t work, so you have to set aside all the business and fully enjoy this moment."


“Think about it, a whole week away from cell phones and work, think nothing but how to have fun today. That's what's attracting me the most."


"And you get to meet all kinds of interesting people from everywhere in the world. I just met two guys from Australia. They did most of the riding to get here. "


"Oh, you guys are from China?

Welcome! Welcome to the party!"

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